90 Charles Street, Moonah Tasmania, 7009. ABN 98 009 489 409 - Phone 03 6273 1777 - Email: office@tcmpl.com.au
TCM Projects
TCM is a leading Tasmanian company committed to installing fully integrated building maintenance and control systems. Every project brings forth challenges while developing new ideas; as a company TCM encourages their staff to tackle every new challenge enthusiastically as they provide their clients with energy efficient and innovative solutions.

IMAS - Institute of Marine and Antartic Studies 2012 -13
University of Tasmania, Castray Esplanade, Battery Point
Project Description
The existing warehouse Princess Wharf No.2 Sullivans Cove was demolished and a new teaching and research facility was constructed with collaboration between UTAS, Antarctic Division & CSIRO to provide a State of the Art Facility for Tasmania to attract quality research scientists from around the world.
The building is a three level glass construction in the heart of the Salamanca Precinct in Hobart with spectacular views of Hobart the docks and the Derwent.
The waterside of the building is primarily offices, student areas and a lecture theatre. The Salamanca side of the building is primarily laboratories, clean rooms and controlled temperature room (freezers and cool rooms).
The building was designed to a 5 Star Green Star rating and includes many systems to provide passive temperature control whilst turning over high rates of fresh air required for the laboratories.
Mechanical Services
River water heat rejection and passive cooling system include duty standby inlets, pumps filter/strainers, priming systems, fresh water flushing, BMS controls and heat exchangers utilising the river water ranging between 10° & 22° deg C throughout the year.
Closed loop water system is controlled down to a minimum of 17° deg C to provide heat rejection for the 400kw PowerPax chiller, pre cooling for the full fresh air air-handling systems and passive cooling active and passive chilled beams.
Chiller providing 7° deg C chilled water to various zones and to the chilled beams and active mass slab systems in the laboratories.
Natural gas water heating boiler providing 80° deg C water to various zones throughout the building.
Controlled temperature rooms, cool rooms and freezers throughout the building operating on refrigerant R404A with all condenser units located in the service plant area on the roof of the building.
Laboratory gas systems, reticulating compressed air, vacuum, nitrogen, helium, carbon monoxide & hydrogen throughout the laboratory areas to bench outlets or fume & laminar hoods.
Fume & laminar flow hoods to provide laboratory ventilation from labs and clean rooms with all extraction fans and exhaust discharges on the roof in the plant areas.
BMS controls system is an extension of the Honeywell system throughout the UTAS Network and provides all control functionality, monitoring & alarm required for all mechanical systems installed.
Air handling system comprise a series of plant rooms on level 2 & level 3 and field mounted Paragon air handling units and Fan Coil units serving major zones or local spaces. VAV air control is used throughout the office and teaching areas and the laboratories have ceiling mounted HEPA terminal distribution units providing the necessary clean air ventilation and zone/building pressurisation control.

CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Labaratories
Castray Esplanade, Battery Point, Hobart 2011
Project Description
The CSIRO instigated the refurbishment of the air conditioning serving the four buildings constructed in the early 1980’s. The existing air-cooled plant had deteriorated due to the harsh seaside environment with the plant reaching the end of its useful and reliable life.
SEMF consultants were engaged to develop an environmentally friendly and economically viable solution to suit the site into the future. Part of the brief was to explore economical operating costs for the complex array of offices, laboratories, data centres and storage systems.
The location of the buildings, adjacent to a deep water wharf, allowed principle designer, Miles Harrison to design a sea water heating cooling system. Modern functions were added for improved maintenance of the seawater plant and systems plus control and monitoring of all plant functions with a building management and control system.
The system comprises of a seawater plant room located on the wharf with duty and standby system, each including an inlet strainer located under the wharf at an underwater depth of about 6 metres, a pump handling a maximum of 65 litres of sea water per second, with a variable speed drive to optimize the energy input, a filter strainer and a heat exchanger. The water temperature ranges between 10 and 20 degrees Celsius, providing an ideal medium for heating and cooling.
All systems are controlled by a Tridium Building Management System which is designed, engineered, programmed, commissioned and supported by TCM and offers computer graphics for all components of the plant along with access off-site.

Hobart City Council Annex Building
TCM was awarded the tender to install a Green Air Conditioning System for the Hobart City Council’s four story annex building on Davey Street.
This system takes its heating and cooling from the HCC discharge treated water from the Self’s Point Treatment Plant, which is piped through the city and discharged near the John Garro navigation light in the Derwent River off lower Sandy Bay.
On its way through the city the 12 to 15 degree water is also used to heat the Hobart Aquatic Centre, the Federation Concert Hall and the Sandown Retirement Home.
Water is pumped into the HCC annex building from the water main in Davey Street, through a filter and a heat exchanger and returned to the Main, the water temperature range of 12 to 15 degrees Celcuis is most suitable for water sourced heat pumps as it offers a very high COP (electrical kw input against heating kw output) when compared to other forms of heating and cooling.
A closed loop hydraulic system sees water circulated from the basement heat exchanger where heating or cooling is absorbed up to the roof plantroom where 9 ducted Climate Master Geothermal Air Conditioning units are configured to provide three control zones on each of the three main office floors.
Each of the units provides 100% fresh air via air heat exchangers to its controlled space with minimal electric heater backup for extreme conditions.
This system is controlled by a Tridium Building Management System which is designed, engineered, programmed, commissioned and supported by TCM and offers computer graphics for all components of the plant and offers access from offsite.

TCA Ground - Queens Domain, Hobart
200 LUX Lighting Installation 2012
After many years of consultation with the Hobart City Council, the Hobart Football Club was finally granted a permit to tender out lighting upgrade works to improve the training facilities for the Hobart Football Club players. Levels below 10 lux were all that was available for many years and the new design would provide 50 lux for training and 100 lux or 200 lux options for night football. Tenders were called in November 2011 and TCM won thel tender. Director Chris Wright, a board member of the Hobart Football Club, was thrilled to be appointed head Contractor for the Project.
Works commenced in March with excavation for the 4 tower Bases and trenching from the new Switchboard adjacent to the Band Building around the Oval to the 4 new 25 metre towers.
Each of the four towers is fitted with 10 -2000 watt 415 volt light fittings wired from a local Switchboard with 3 lights -50 lux, 5 lights -100 lux and 10 lights -200 lux , control of the various modes is by an EHome network system and manual selection switches in the pole 1 switchboard near the Main Grandstand and change rooms.
As part of the works a new power supply was taken from the new Lighting Switchboard to the adjacent Band Building and the Northern Toilet Block, power provision has also been provided to the Ladies stand tower for a future electronic scoreboard.
The Aurora Connection was carried out on Friday the 27th of July and the Football Club were extremely pleased with the results achieved even at the lower training level, the first twilight game was held on the Saturday night between the Hobart City Council’s officer involved in the process from the start, Roger Viney’s Clarence Roos and the Launceston Under 18 teams again with positive comments on the outcome.
Letitia House - Mount Nelson
Department of Education
This project was completed in 2014 and involved the installation of a new 300kw Air Cooled Heat Pump Chiller to provide low cost heating and cooling to an existing high cost LP Gas System with no cooling.
The existing 2 Air Handling Plants included 13 zones with face and bypass control to achieve comfort control on the various office levels.
The system was reconfigured through a new Building Management System to respond to the mode the plant needed to be in, Low outside warm up LP Gas to 8 degrees, Heat Pump to 16 degrees, Economy Dampers and Cooling over 18 degrees.
Project Foreman: Dan Martin