90 Charles Street, Moonah Tasmania, 7009. ABN 98 009 489 409 - Phone 03 6273 1777 - Email: office@tcmpl.com.au
TCM News
As covid becomes a recent memory TCM continues to remain very busy with the 2023 Projects.
TasTAFE Centre of Excellence having been contracted to carry out the Mechanical Services including Gas Services with Howrah Plumbing and Mech/Elec and Controls with BAC. This is where our current and future apprentices will be trained and we have worked closely with Industry to bring equipment and systems to the facility as modern training aids for the students.
St Aloysius year 10 to 12 college conversion of the Vodafone call centre (a Geothermal Project TCM were involved in late 1990’s) to the new teaching spaces utilising the existing Geothermal loops.
The Sandown Southern Cross Care upgrade again using the existing grey water from the Self’s Point plant to extract heat for low-cost heating and cooling to the main Admin, Facilities and high care rooms with an extensive Mitsubishi Hybrid System throughout.
The Reserve Bank Building at 111 Macquarie St was built in the mid 1970’s and the current owner has decided to proceed with a major energy saving upgrade of the Air Handling Plant on the 8th floor of the building a great changeover challenge for TCM in a live building.
Our first female apprentice Ash announced her imminent motherhood and we wish Ash all the best as she commences Maternity Leave in August.
The Ronald McDonald Ball is set for July and TCM continues its major Platinum Sponsorship
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