90 Charles Street, Moonah Tasmania, 7009. ABN 98 009 489 409 - Phone 03 6273 1777 - Email: office@tcmpl.com.au

The TCM Vision
To be a recognised leader in the air conditioning industry in Tasmania through continual improvement and development of our Integrated Management System. To ensure superior innovation, enthusiasm and involvement of all employees, embrace efficiency and innovation with product and systems application and gain a closer appreciation of our clients needs and expectations whilst improving our Environmental, Quality and Safety Performance.
TCM History
TCM commenced operation in 1967 with Angus MacLeod as Managing Director. Angus has over 50 years of service to the Air Conditioning and Electrical Controls industry in Tasmania.
Fellow Director, Chris Wright, joined the company in 1982 bring with him 8 years experience in the Mechanical Services & HVAC feild.
Todd Booth joined the company in 2000 and developed his role as a Contract Manager and IT specialist before becoming a Director in 2010.
In 2022 Angus passed his share over to Todd and two TCM apprentices who had both commenced with TCM in 2006 and completed their apprenticeships in 2010, Justin McNeill in the Electrical field and Dan Bell as a Mechanical Services Plumber and Gasfitter, with both achieving qualifications as Type B Gas Certifiers.
Commercial Building Services Maintenance remains the core business activity of the organization ensuring that our interest and involvement with the installation of projects is directed towards producing an effective, efficient and easily maintainable installation for our clients for years to come.
Current major construction Projects include the new TasTAFE Plumbing-Refrigeration-Electrical WET Centre of Excellence at Warrane, Airconditioning Upgrades at the Remand Centre and the Magistrates Court, St Aloysius year 10 to 12 College, a major central plant upgrade and floor refurbishments at the old Reserve Bank Building in Macquarie St and other ongoing projects together with ongoing major maintenance projects for the Department of Education, children and young people at all southern schools, colleges and libraries, TasNetworks Data Centres, the CSIRO facilities, Lands Building, Marine Board Building, MONA Sites and the TMAG Sites to name a few.

TCM Community Involvement
We value our place in our local Community and are keen to help out where we can with; Ronald McDonald House Charities where TCM maintains their centre
in Collins St as a donation, and are Platinum sponsors for the Annual Ball in July each year.
The Kids Cancer Project has been supported by our industry association
AMCA at their annual conference in September where around $100,000 has
been raised each year to support the research projects to fight kids’ cancer.
TCM were instrumental in bringing funding to the Menzies Centre in Hobart
for a research project.
Local Sporting Clubs and Schools where employees’ children attend are always
in need of community support.